Last updated at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 15:14:15 GMT

Ever wonder what it’s like to be an intern at Rapid7 in Belfast?

软件工程师Orla Magee和Paddy McDermott分享了他们的面试过程, 以及为其他探索Rapid7就业计划的人提供有影响力的项目和建议.

What was the interview process like for the Placement Programme?

帕迪: Rapid7的就业培训项目的面试过程结构良好,非常受欢迎. It consisted of two parts, a one-on-one chat focusing on cultural alignment, 还有一个有编程问题和难题要解决的技术面试. The interviewers were approachable, which helped me feel at ease. I felt as though they struck a good balance, 评估我的技能,不要用信息和问题把我压垮. 我觉得这是一次真正的尝试,想要了解我这个人,评估我的技能, rather than just ticking boxes.

欧尔: 从一开始, the talent acquisition team was friendly 和 communicative, keeping me well-informed about each stage. 面试官似乎真的很想了解我这个人, highlighting that being yourself is crucial in this process. 整体, 面试经历积极地反映了Rapid7致力于寻找能够在技术和文化上为团队做出贡献的全面发展的个人, 是什么让我对在Rapid7工作的机会感到轻松和兴奋.

What initially stood out to you about Rapid7?

帕迪: Rapid7最让我印象深刻的是,我在面试过程中与我遇到的人建立了真诚的联系. The interviewers were engaging 和 approachable, which gave me a strong sense of the company’s collaborative culture. 另一件引起我注意的事情是,Rapid7致力于培养新人才. 当我参加一个专门为实习生申请者举办的活动时,这一点变得清晰起来, where I got to experience the company’s welcoming atmosphere firsth和. A mix of friendly people, 以学习为中心的环境和显著的职业发展机会确实使Rapid7成为我开始职业生涯的理想场所.

What was the learning curve like coming into Rapid7 as a student, 和 what resources or tools did you have to navigate that?

欧尔: 作为一名学生,从大学过渡到在Rapid7工作有一个重要的学习曲线. In university, I was used to working independently on projects. At Rapid7, I had to adapt to collaborating as part of a team. 这种转变需要提高我的沟通技巧,并学会与他人有效地合作. 另外, 代码库比我在大学时参与的小规模项目更大、更复杂. To help navigate these challenges, I was paired with a mentor at the start of my internship, 谁在培养我的技术能力和帮助我适应在专业环境中工作方面发挥了重要作用. Alongside my mentor, my team members were always willing to offer assistance 和 guidance, creating a supportive atmosphere that facilitated my learning 和 growth. 这种指导和团队支持的结合对帮助我克服学习曲线并成功适应新的工作环境至关重要.

Can you share a memorable project or experience?

帕迪: 我在实习期间最难忘的成就之一是开发了一个全栈状态页面. 这个项目特别重要,因为它在公司内部有一个真正的、实际的目的. 我创建的状态页面旨在对中断发出警报,并显示我们团队管道的各个组件的运行状况. 这个工具在我们的团队之外使用,并在公司的不同部门内部共享. 这个项目让我以一种有意义的方式极大地扩展了我的全栈开发技能. 看到我从头开始构建的东西被积极用于改善对管道状态的监控和沟通,这是值得的.


欧尔: Take advantage of intern nights, 在办公室举行, 因为这些活动提供了对Rapid7文化和团队动态的独特一瞥. 这些活动是与现有员工建立联系的绝佳机会, potentially giving you an insider's perspective on the company.

帕迪: 我的主要建议是,在整个过程中都要做真实的自己,因为这真的能帮助你与面试官建立联系,展示你真正的潜力. 也, make sure to demonstrate a strong willingness to learn, 因为Rapid7看重那些渴望成长和接受新挑战的候选人.


欧尔: When I started my internship at Rapid7, 我主要担心的是我的技术能力可能达不到同龄人的水平. 我担心自己可能很难对团队做出有意义的贡献, but my real experience showed that these worries were unnecessary. From day one, I was met with a welcoming 和 supportive environment. 我的同事们不仅理解我作为实习生的地位,而且真诚地热情帮助我提高技能. They took the time to walk me through their current projects, 提供有价值的背景和见解,帮助我快速跟上进度. 我最初的不确定被对学习和贡献的机会的兴奋所取代, 和 the reality of the internship far exceeded my expectations.

How has your placement experience prepared you for a successful career?

帕迪: 整体, the placement has given me a mix of technical growth, 实践经验和专业发展为我未来在科技领域的发展奠定了坚实的基础. 在经验丰富的同事的指导下,我学习了许多新的编程语言. 在现场生产环境中工作使我具备了现实世界的技能和经验. 演示增强了我在公共演讲中的信心,也教会了我如何有效地传达技术概念. 我与同事建立了联系和友谊,这使工作环境变得愉快,并使我开始形成一个对我的职业生涯有价值的专业网络.

Interested in learning more about the Placement Programme, or additional emerging talent programmes at Rapid7? 点击这里 to explore our offerings 和 view open jobs.